A total of 46,800 people have attending the event at E3 2011 this year, said of the promoter, Entertainment Software Association. Total numbers indicates a slight increase from the 2010 which is only visited by 45,600 people, but it not as much in 2005 that is able to gather as many as 70,000 visitors.

More than 200 participants bring their products at E3 this year's event, they consist of 120 retailers from 18 countries involved. In the next year, E3 2012 will again be held at the same place, the Los Angeles Convention Center on 5-7 June.

The CEO from the ESA, Michael D. Gallagher said, "E3 this year more lift to the top of the world of video game entertainment. Innovation, creativity, and the uproar has been the industry combine to show the world the various extraordinary entertainment experience."

"Word-positive news generated by this event has reached all parts of the world, and we are looking forward to the next opportunity to rebuild this great momentum in 2012," lid Gallagher. Let's wait one year left for this great event, see you next year.

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