Dungeon Siege III takes place after the collapse of the 10th Legion and Jeyne Kassynder who hunt all the remnants of the Legion. Few people left the Legion, they were led by Venerable Odo. Odo asked the descendants of the Legion, including our character, to meet in a mansion, reviving the Legion, and beat Jeyne Kassynder. Once we get to the Mansion, the Mansion was already on fire and we had to run off with one of his legion of survivors. From Dungeon Siege III is where the story begins. Visually, Dungeon Siege III is quite good, but if you zoom, it is seen that the graphics were not as good when seen from afar. In addition, the appearance of the characters is also less detailed, and animated when talking NPC looks stiff.



Voice acting is actually quite good, seen from the narrative and the main quest storyline, but also many NPC with a voice like reading the manuscript. Sound effect is pretty cool, and the song also animates this game, but no song that feels memorable.

For those familiar name their own characters will be disappointed, Dungeon Siege III does not have a character creation system, but we must choose one of four characters provided. The four characters each have different backgrounds, how to play any different, but the core of their story remains the same: turn back and beat Jeyne Legionnare.

Four characters are provided Montbarron Lucas, who fought with sword / shield or a two-handed sword, Anjali, an Archon that can change between human form and shape of the elemental fire, Reinhart Manx, a descendant of the Legion who can fight using magic and close combat, and Catherine, who fought with firearms. Dungeon Siege III is played with over the top view, but we can zoom in closer. Zoom closer is almost no use, because we have a greater need to see the situation around, despite the camera's zoom-in, but do not allow us to look further into the future, but for ranged attacks, we need to look far ahead.

The camera is also sometimes annoying when we're at war, because if we are too close to the wall, like a sudden camera zoom, and we have to reposition the camera so he could see the enemy. Lighting is actually quite good, but often in the dungeon there are some sections that really dark.

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